
Browse the latest curtain fabric online collections, trends & styles for curtains, blinds and upholstery to inspire your inner designer.

From Top Designer Brands like Morris & Co, Sanderson, Harlequin & Zoffany  to smaller fabric brands ILiv, Hardy Fabrics & Fibre Naturelle with a huge catalogue of colours and styles.

Choose this seasons beautiful Maximalist styles and pair with sumptuous Velvets. Alternatively view the ever popular Calm Neutral tones to create your own calm space.

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Fabrics Category Page

The latest curtain fabric online designs featuring new fabrics from top fabric brands Sanderson, Harlequin and Morris & Co. Find vintage weaves, sumptuous boho velvets and bold modern fabrics for your curtains, blinds and upholstery. NOW Available stunning Laura Ashley Fabric collections & William Morris at Home Curtain Fabrics.

Fabric samples are available to view at home.

Browse the Closs & Hamblin curtain fabric online collections by brand, by price, by colour or by room, featuring room shot images to inspire you.