Customer Testimonials

Read about our customer experiences with Closs & Hamblin made to measure services.
View Our Projects for photos of our finished work.

Closs and Hamblin is a versatile home textile brand; offering a vast array of furnishing fabrics, accessories and wallpaper options for creating the perfect interior, with a dedicated service to match.

Over the years Closs and Hamblin has become a trusted supplier and reliable install service for our interior design business. They are closely involved in every aspect of our textile detailing; from their initial presentation of options based on our concepts through to selection refinement and production of beautifully bespoke curtains, cushions and blinds; all provided with efficiency and competitively priced.

It’s indeed a pleasure working with James and Simon. Their years of experience and talent for interpreting and fulfilling the needs of a creatively meticulous design client shines through within each project and we highly recommend Closs and Hamblin.

Noelle Balfour of Tricia Noelle

Closs and Hamblin offers a professional end to end service for window treatments and have been an excellent partner for us at our Magna Carta development in Berkshire.

The have helped with window treatments for our new home buyers, taking the client through the design process with care and then delivering a very high-quality product on time and as specified. They are competitively priced and have worked to very tight timescales when needed.

Their surveying team are extremely knowledgeable and can work around any challenge and the installation team are professional and courteous meaning the clients have a fantastic experience.

Whether it be for bespoke curtain, blinds or shutters I would thoroughly recommend Closs & Hamblin for businesses and the end user.

Alex Herman, Director of The Royalton Group

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