
Be inspired by our beautiful collection of wallpaper and Murals. Add a touch of drama or calm serenity to your precious space with our selection of Botanical themed wallpaper or a touch of English Elegance with our ever popular Laura Ashley prints.

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Showing 1–36 of 3737 results

Showing 1–36 of 3737 results

The latest wallpaper trends feature bold designs from Sanderson, Harlequin, Morris & Co and serene elegance from Laura Ashley. Find vintage florals, sumptuous classical designs and bold modern styles for every room – go wild! A wow for every room or a calm space just for you. Wallpaper samples are available to view at home.

Choose a different style wallpaper for the Dining Room and contrast it with a bold statement in the Kitchen. Browse wallpapers by price, colour or room featuring room shot images to inspire you.