Wallpaper Estimator*

Feel free to use our wallpaper estimator to calculate the number of rolls of wallpaper required for your project.

Please be aware that this estimator makes allowances for pattern repeats, match drops and adds a 10% for wastage. If you are unsure or have a tricky space to wallpaper, ask a decorator for clearer instructions or contact our web team who will try and assist.

MURALS – This calculator has not been designed for murals please read clearly the specific product details.

NOTE – We are unable to accept returns of part orders because of roll batch numbers so please be sure.

CALCULATOR CURRENTLY UNAVAIABLE – please contact us for an estimate

*This estimator provides an approximate roll recommendation only. We at Closs & Hamblin advise that you always consult your decorator before ordering wallpaper as we cannot be held responsible for any incorrect quantities of wallpaper ordered.